Take Up Space for God
Official Reports of How March With Mary is Reclaiming the Culture for Jesus and Mary
This summer, join us in a series of festive parades as part of the 'Marching with Mary' event. It's a unique opportunity to express our faith, unity, and love for Mary. Whether you can join us for all the parades or just one, your presence will make a difference. Visit our website for more details.
Discover how the Lakeville community came together to celebrate the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima's appearance in a parade of faith and unity.
Experience the miraculous day when Our Lady of Fatima joined the Dan Patch Days Parade in Savage, MN. Discover how faith and community united despite weather challenges.
Despite torrential rains, the Faribault Heritage Days Parade went on thanks to a miraculous blessing from the Blessed Virgin Mary herself. Read about the "March With Mary" float that radiated her divine light as the skies parted just before the parade started. Get details on the upcoming Dan Patch Days Parade where the Holy Mother will again spread her glory.